What is Privacy Rights Clearinghouse?

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is a nonprofit organization focused on increasing access to information, policy discussions and meaningful rights so that data privacy can be a reality for everyone. Learn more about our work here.

What is the Data Breach Chronology? 

The Data Breach Chronology is a tool designed to help advocates, policymakers, journalists and researchers better understand reported data breaches in the United States. We launched the project in 2005 in response to the widely-publicized ChoicePoint incident, and it has evolved over time from a list of manually entered breaches to a robust database and visual dashboard.

We provide free access to the Data Breach Chronology Dashboard – an interactive visual dashboard that allows users to gain insights about data breaches reported in the United States, search, and access information available in the database.  

How can I download the Data Breach Chronology Database?

We currently offer single download passes (subject to our Terms of Service) for our database. 

In the future, we hope to offer a plan that will allow subscribers to download updates to the database on an ongoing basis. 

What if I can't pay?

If you are working on unfunded research or for a nonprofit organization or media outlet on a limited budget, you can request a fee waiver. To request complimentary access for a limited time, please contact us at databreachchronology@privacyrights.org and briefly describe your proposed use and affiliation. Our team will respond to you as soon as we are able; however, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to respond in time for any deadline. 

What will I receive?

You will receive a .csv file containing the information we have collected and processed on reported data breaches within the range of years purchased. You can download the version of the database you purchased twice.

Can I get a refund if the data is not what I expected?

No. We offer the Database "As Is". All sales are final and we do not provide refunds.

You may download a limited sample of the database from the product page prior to purchase to get a sense of the data we provide.

Why are you charging fees to access the Data Breach Chronology Database?

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is a non-profit organization committed to maintaining and improving this project over the long term. We fund as much of this project as possible with donations and grants. However, this is a resource-intensive project, and we ask that those who can pay to use our data do so to keep this project going and fund improvements and ongoing maintenance.  

Can I sell or provide others access to the Data Breach Chronology Database?

No, not unless you have consent from us in writing.

What if I'd like to provide access for my students?

Please contact us at databreachchronology@privacyrights.org to discuss.

How can I use the Data Breach Chronology Database once I have purchased and/or downloaded the data?

You can use it in any way that complies with our Terms of Service